Sunday, November 20, 2011

Are We Having a Holly Jolly Christmas Yet?

Isaac and I have been randomly singing the "Twelve Days of Christmas" for the past several days. Every year I still have trouble remembering all of the 12 What my true love gives to me are. I always get stumped on 12 drummers drumming and can't help but wonder if my son even gives it a second thought when we sing 9 ladies dancing and 7 maids a milking. I do love that a local radio station has now changed to all Christmas songs. Every time I hear "O' Holy Night" I get goosebumps. It is my absolute favorite Christmas song and I feel like I sing "Silent Night" year round. I do get tickled at the poor retail workers that at the mention of how I enjoyed the Christmas songs playing in their store they roll their eyes and sometimes quietly whisper..."It drives me crazy!" Other little holiday favorites for me are...."Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer", "Same Old Syne" (love Dan Fogelberg), "Christmas Shoes" (cry every time..every time...ugh!)...oh the list goes on. I do wonder though why there really aren't many newer Christmas songs around. It does seem every year it's the same old songs with new little twists but nothing that really grabs me like "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire" or something similiar. I wonder if the movie, "It's a Wonderful Life" can ever be out done? Well, there's a lot to be said for the classics. Enjoying the free gifts of the season! I hope all of you are taking time to enjoy it and not stress so much over it. "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" to speak.

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Memory of their Presence during the Holidays

I drove past a shopping center the other day that had already put out all of their Christmas Holiday decorations. I couldn't find the enthusiasm. Since losing my dad I have dreaded this holiday season. We didn't spend every holiday together but it just felt a little more warm knowing he was still around. The holidays are a bittersweet reminder of holiday memories long gone. I miss the gathering of my family around the dinner table making tamales, laughing, and sharing life together. I had an aunt that told me once when I was visiting her in Monterrey, MX after my mom's passing, "The warmth of family is like a fireplace and will always bring you here." She was right. I haven't been back in over 15 years but my heart always travels back to the sights and sounds of my mother's soul there. I miss the many decorations and enthusiasm my Mom, (Beth) had for the holidays. It was her favorite holiday. I still remember the deviled eggs and pimento cheese sandwhiches we'd have at my grandparents house when we opened up presents. She loved to shop. She could out shop anyone. We wouldn't buy everything....we would just shop for everything. She loved giving to others. We had to have baked at least 25 7-up cakes one year to give out to friends and family. My Christmas flare in no way will ever compare to hers but I loved that about her! Every holiday my grandma served her infamous green jello! I have tried to replicate it over the years and I'm pretty sure it turns out more like the jello served in the movie, "Christmas Vacation" ...the jello made with dry cat food. My dad just loved the simplicity of it all. He pretty much just showed up and enjoyed the atmosphere. One Christmas Eve when I was little I remember waking up at around 1 a.m. and I ran into the living room of my grandma's house. I saw presents and my Dad and his brother were visiting in the living room. I looked at my dad in bewilderment and asked him why in the world didn't he wake me up when Santa dropped off the toys?! He and my uncle gave me some story about how he got to the house and just left everything there but he had to go really fast to deliver all the toys to other kids. I was mad. I truly held a grudge against my dad that Christmas for not waking me up to see Santa. Funny how he would rather me be mad at him than to have let me know the truth about there not really being a Santa. He took the hit for my childhood imagination. Although there are some that will be dearly be missed this holiday season I have to remember that I am the memory that my kids will someday hopefully share and I want to take the hit for Santa also. If you are missing a dear one this holiday season my prayer is that the warmth of memories and new ones made will make you feel like you are nestled by a cozy fireplace. Have a blessed holiday season my friends. Peace unto all of you!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

We've Come a Long Way from Pong..But I Liked Pong

I blame the age of Atari for the technology age. We are the future we dreamed about while playing Pong. I'm still not comfortable with it even though it seems the way of life these days. Every time I look up...noone else is. Everyone, including myself, seems bowed in technology instead of bowed in prayer or meditation. To look someone in the eye while speaking is a treat. Driving has become the multi-task accomplishment of this generation. People reading, talking, and typing on their cell phones. Next time you drive..look around at the stop lights. I bet 3 out of 5 are doing what really should be categorized as a drunk driving analogy. Would I be exaggerating if I felt we are probably not too far away from our own Avatar technological selves? Maybe..maybe not. The irony is I use technology it seems religiously. When I gripe and complain about changes or enhancements in social networking or cell phones, I'm not dissing the advancements made, I'm grieving the personal touches we are leaving behind. There's something unnatural about my emotions and close friends being categorized by algorithms. While my children will find that virtual hugs and communications are something worthwhile, there is still a part of me that finds the sharing in a techie world a bit impersonal. Isn't that the way we like things though? This way we don't really have to expose our "true feelings" because the computer does it for's really not us. Don't be fooled. You're exposing more of yourself in the guise of an imaginary protective shield you think is the internet/cell phone. Bottom line...there's a part of me that wants to run away from all the gadgets, news feeds, cell phones. etc. but then there's the other side that is attracted to it all in the same way. Do I feel more "connected" with people in the techie world? Hmm...I feel that I can get more information faster but relationship, can't say that I'm closer with people...just maybe that I know more about them from what we share. Seems there's a learning curve in all of this. I don't plan on dropping out of social networking and nor do I plan on chunking my cell phone in the ocean. It does give me pause in wondering how we can preserve intrapersonal communications though. The things that give me hope....teaching a grandma how to use a social network once at her hesitation just so she could keep up with what her grandkids were doing. There was something nice about that but the flip side is...those grandkids need to pick up the phone and call their grandma once in awhile also.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Raspberry Beret and a Lucky Parakeet

The first MTV video I ever remember seeing was, "Mickey" by Toni Basil. "Oh Mickey you're so fine....Hey Mickey!" We didn't have cable so I would usually catch the MTV hysteria at friends homes. Once, when I was in the fourth grade I was hanging out with a friend and we were so excited to watch Prince's "Raspberry Beret" video on MTV. We were singing and dancing along like we silly girls do while her parakeet was screeching in the background to it's own little rhythm. She went to the cage and said, "Hey, let's let him fly around the house for a little." Bewildered, I thought, "Ok, well, that sounds cute that would be!" The little bird was flying away around the room as we giggled and then in slow motion there went the parakeet into the ceiling fan and around around it went and thudded against the wall. Oh, Dear!! I am the last person on earth who would know anything about parakeet CPR or first aid. My friend and I panicked and rushed to the little bird. Poor parakeet but, lived! We were so relieved that it didn't look or act hurt! My friend gently put the bird back in the began tweeting again and with a sigh of relief we could enjoy all that was Purple Rain and Raspberry again. I cannot listen to Raspberry Beret without it taking me back to the parakeet adventure. We all have our songs, don't we?

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Thank a Soldier Lately?

Lately, I've been seeing posts from a few FB friends that are serving our country in Iraq and Afghanistan. It gives me pause to take a moment to be thankful for their courage. The friends of our youth that make us proud of the men and women they've become. Recently, I stayed in a hotel and I was hoping to catch up on my traveled laundry there. How nice that the hotel only had one working washer and dryer at the time. Several people showed up at the same time to use the one washer and dryer and it just became a huge frustration for all of us. As we waited we saw the man in front of us pull out his military fatigues to place in the washer. My husband and I struck up a conversation with the gentleman. He was stationed in Texas far from his two little girls that he hadn't seen in awhile. He told us that he was grateful that his ex-wife spoke of him frequently to his 5 and 3 year old girls and that gave him peace while he was away. He was staying in the hotel with a few other military personnel until further notice. I grabbed my bags and toted them back to my room and realized that getting the laundry done that night for me wasn't as necessary anymore. A FB friend recently posted pictures of him raising the American flag where he was stationed in Afghanistan in honor of his little girl's second birthday back home. The other morning I lit a candle for our soldiers. In that candle I hoped for good will toward them and their families, safety, and peace. Somewhere in the world is a soldier thinking of home and the least we can do is thank them from home also. "Being a soldier, fighting for this country, is neither Republican or Democrat."- Max Cleland

Saturday, July 30, 2011

How do We Choose our Friends?

I've observed something extraordinary with toddlers. I love how my 2 year old can walk into a room and automatically see people, anybody, and yell out with excitement, "My friends!" I love when toddlers see eachother from a distance without even knowing eachother and run up to one another with a yearning to play and be friendly. A genuine...I have no boundaries approach for just liking the heck out of you! Love it!
I've never been the one that had a lot of friends that were other than surface friendships. I was usually the last one to be picked for the teams and let's not even go through the whole very awkward middle school years. Let's just say, kids can be very mean, as if I'm saying anything new. I remember making a friend, a genuine friend, so I thought. Problem was, she sat at the popular table and I was not one of those popular girls. I remember seeing my friend from across the cafeteria and wanting to go sit with her. She motioned me over and reluctantly I went because I was not welcome in that click. What happened next I will never forget. Two of the head "popular girls" saw that I was sitting at the end of the table visiting with my "friend." They looked at eachother and their other friends and next thing ya know they all got up and moved from the table to another one because I was there. Sad part was, my "friend" went with them. I was crushed. Whatever the reason, my parents didn't make as much money as theirs, I wasn't as cute in big hairbows as they were, I was too shy, conservative, wore non-brand clothes...whatever it was...I think, how sad that's what mattered to them. I picked myself up like I had many times before and moved on but, I made a decision that day. I placed on my heart that I would never be that person that set those kind of boundaries when it came to making friends. What's the saying, "Although, you walk with kings, never lose the common touch." I have friends in high and low places I'm proud to say! If I have a combination of ex-cons and prominent professionals at my funeral...then all I can say is...that's what Jesus would do ;) I have been blessed with some genuine quality friends in my life. For instance, the kind that out of the blue sends me a package in the mail with a plaque in honor of my dad's memory on his birthday that read, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of sound mind." II Timothy 1:7 Wouldn't you know it was one of my dad's favorite bible scriptures. I thank God for friends that see me, my quirks, my faults, my success, and failures. They see the whole package and love me for me. You know who you are friends. My list may be short, but my heart for all of you is infinity! I also feel that I really haven't had to go out of my way to make good friends. I've been lucky...somehow I feel as though they've been chosen for me :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Good Rain and a Renoir

I had a little time to myself yesterday and thought I'd do a little something for me. I went to the Art Museum by myself. What I found was that I liked going at my own pace and my brain needed the quiet time. I had never been to the Art Museum of Houston. I have to say that coming from someone that can't even draw a good stick figure I'm easily impressed with art, well most of it...I do still have my "what in the world is that" opinions. I come from an impressive gene pool of artists from both sides of my family and how the art gene belly flopped past will never know. I once wanted to learn how to draw so badly I signed up for an art class in H.S. I was never so frustrated in my life when it came to a few of the homework assignments that I never completed or barely even started. Day 2 of art class and I was out! I withdrew so quickly I don't think the teacher had time to call my name during roll call. It's not a's down right...wish I could...but totally can't...and I'm ok with that. So, as I was strolling painting to painting I admired some of the great details put forth on canvas. see a little house in the background of a painting with a warm light and smoke coming out of the chimney. Then there's cattle so defined on canvas that was a detail not worth blinking or it would be missed. I found myself wondering how there could be so many interpretations of Madonna and Child and wanting to get into the painter's head to know the story. I also wondered why a lot of women in some of the paintings looked so much like men. Landscapes were my favorite along with a few Renoir. Interestingly, my novice approach to art found me shying away from purchasing tickets to Newton when asked by the sales clerk. I asked.."Hmm...what is that?" Sales Clerk..."Nudes." Blushingly, I responded, "Ahem...well there's got to be plenty to see with general admission, right?" So, off I went. I must say that I was quite impressed with the young group of school children that passed by the statues of very anatomically correct poses without even a giggle. Can't say I didn't find myself not wanting to snicker just a little at times. It was a good day all in all. The rain sprinkles throughout the day added some artsy along the way. Art is such an expression of the way we see things that the world cannot fully express. It's like worlds within our world.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Scandalous Rubik's Cube

The Rubik's Cube was a hot ticket in the early 80's. I was thrilled when I got one! I remember getting so excited when I would finally get two sides to manage to be the same color. Still, there were two more sides I had yet to conquer. I was six years old and growing ever so impatient. One day I had the master plan to finally get rid of this anxiety I was having over not being able to make all sides their destined little brightly squared colors. The squares were stickers that I learned could be easily manipulated. So, I did it...I managed to carefully remove the stickers and place them all in their properly aligned spaces. I had a successful Rubik's Cube sense of achievement! I remember showing my parent's what I had done except I left out the small detail about me rearranging the stickers. My dad was puzzled but he believed me and was happy for me. I carried that false sense of pride around for a few days until guilt set in. I couldn't understand why I felt so crummy....why Captain Crunch Cereal didn't have the same crunch and playing with my Holly Hobby easy bake oven just seemed to come up flat. I was tormented...and then I knew...I felt it...the Rubik's Cube stared me down and I came face to face with the truth. I had lied. I lied to my parents...I lied to my Dad. The man I put on a pedestal and held with the highest regard and respect. I lied to that man. I felt awful, embarrassed, humiliated, and like I had betrayed my best friend. I knew I couldn't carry this weight anymore so, I marched (ok, inched) down the hallway to face my jury. I fessed up. I told my dad what I had done. The look he gave me was one I will never forget and very impressionable. He looked at me, sighed, and said..."You lied. Melody, I need you to know one thing. Whatever you do in this life and in this world, I need you to always be honest with me. I may not agree with what you have done but, I'm the only one that will always be there for you no matter what you've done. I will fight for you and support you but I need you to always be honest with me." From that day forward I can honestly say that I never lied to my Dad again. I might not have volunteered information to him but when he asked, he always got an honest answer. He always knew if I even tried...I think he always knew about the Rubik's Cube but waited to see if I would say something. I've found myself telling my kids the same thing. Honesty is a foundation for unconditional love. It's hard to be honest sometimes. Can't say that I've been perfect at telling the truth to everyone but, what I can say is that no matter what, the truth really does set you free even if it means just being honest with yourself. My inner six year old turmoil became realigned again and I moved onto bigger and better cereals that included Count Chocula and Atari had Centipede. Life was on track again. I really did accomplish the Rubik's Cube game shortly after my confession but by then the victory didn't seem as as sweet.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sisterhood of the Traveling Prom Dresses

Lately, while I've been out and about on the weekend I'll notice that our wait time is a little longer at a restaurant due to the glamorous bunch of young uns' in their prom attire or I'll stroll past a Hot Pink or Zebra print limo full of the same kind of group. I started reflecting with a friend of mine about our special occasion dresses. She had the fabulous idea of making pillows out of the material from her dresses. I was impressed with her sentimental approach. I on the other hand have my wedding dress stuffed somewhere in a suitcase and I donated my prom dresses to a thrift store when I was in college. What happened with those prom dresses later became a moment I will never forget.
It was a crazy afternoon and I was running errands in Abilene, TX. I pulled up in a parking lot only to have to stop and wait to let a group of about 8 little girls in tiaras, high heeled shoes that were too big for them, and dresses that were definitely bigger than them but, they had the whole princess theme going. They were clearly celebrating something and dressing up for someone's dress up tea party or such. I not only stopped to let these little girls cross the jaw dropped to my surprise...there were two little girls that were wearing my old prom dresses!! So help me I am not making this up. It had to have been a fate or a "God" thing because never in my wildest dreams would I have expected or planned to run across this very moment! I know they were my dresses because I had each custom made and one of the bows still flopped over Dumbo eared like on the front of the dress! This was before flip camera phones and I wish with all my heart that I would have gotten out and told those little girls that those were my old dresses. I probably would have freaked them out being stranger danger and all.... and besides...this was their moment...their memory...their fun time that they were having with their special friends. I was blessed to see those dresses go from "someone elses someone else's treasure." :)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My Mini Obsession With the Royal Wedding

Raise your hand if you are tired of hearing about wars, terrorism, and natural disasters that make the tornado from the Wizard of Oz look like a nursery ryhme. obsession with the Royal Wedding perhaps. These things don't come around everyday or even once a year like major sporting events. When my husband asked me why in the world I cared about the Royal Wedding I was quick to throw out the word Astros and I think he understood. My daughter asked me yesterday if I were invited would I go and get a new dress and have my nails done? I said of course, beaming as if I really was on the guest list and I think she understood. She said, " Prince William can really say to his wife that she's his Princess." We had our girlie moment and giggled about it. Maybe it also has something to do with wanting to see a happy ending to a fairy tale that began a long time ago for a Princess named Diana. I like to think of it as a legacy fairy tale. We can witness a moment in time where her legacy smiles under the sun and will continue to move forward on their own journey. Maybe it's because the last time someone watched a Royal Wedding was when a six year old little girl watched it with her mother on July 29th 1981 with her feet dangling from the couch as she sat in amazement thinking that before her eyes was a real life Cinderella.
I don't know what the future holds for William and Kate. I'm just thrilled that they opened up their moment in time for the rest of us to see. When someone asks..Where were you when...I can reply, I was in my pajamas sipping tea and eating cucumber sandwiches at 4 a.m. watching the Royal Wedding. I hope their day is blessed! "God Save the Queen!"

Thursday, April 14, 2011

He Had me at Woof Woof!

Do you ever have that feeling...that hunch that something just isn't like it's supposed to be even if you're told otherwise? Ya know what they say..always go with your gut instinct. Well, I've just been punk'd but I sort of already knew I had been. Awhile back we thought it would be nice to add one last dog to our family and have a friend for Rueger our 55 pound Australian Shepherd/Border Collie. Rueger is a very energetic but very intelligent dog. His breed is for herding so why would we expect him to be none other than energetic? He loves.. loves the dog park and plays with all of the dogs out there which affirmed the desire to get another dog. On my first attempt at the pet adoption agency I really wanted an older dog but was informed that a puppy would be best to introduce to an older dog based on the territorial reasons. I left and thought about it some more. The next week...I'm determined to get a puppy and show back up to the adoption agency with Bryant in tow. All my life...I've had bigger dogs but I really wanted that little dog to carry around like the one Reese Witherspoon has in "Legally Blonde." So, I passed all the charts on the cages that said will be 50lbs or more. We made it to this little cage at the bottom of the row. It was full of little chihuahas and I believed it because that's what the chart said and they all looked small enough. Well, there was this one in the corner that looked a little bigger than the litter but, I just thought maybe it was just the biggest one of the group but still no doubt it will not get to be bigger than 20lbs. Bryant and I did the meet and greet and fell in love with him. He was the one! Interestingly, his paperwork couldn't be found. What they printed out had the wrong information on it other than him being a blonde dog. Oddly, he was the only one out of the litter that had been neutered. I had a funny feeling but still wanted the dog. We took him home that day and whenever anyone asked what kind of dog he was I said chihuaha mix..(well, that's what the paperwork said). I got the same looks and laughs..."Looks a little big to be a chihuaha." Ok,, he's Clifford the chihuaha...he's mine..and I love it doesn't matter. The Vet came into the exam room and immediately asked me if I had been told he was a chihuaha as he laughed. I said yes I had but I had sensed that he was put into the wrong cage during handling by someone else all along. Well, no doubt, he is definitely not a chihuaha mix but a labrador mix and will most likely be over 20 lbs. More like 40 lbs or so. So, my heart just sank a little thinking it might not be the lap dog I've always wanted but it's too late now because he has my heart. At least my gut feeling was put to rest. Such is life...we may not always get what we think we are getting but isn't it funny how sometimes it turns out better than what we thought we wanted anyway? Dare to embrace the blessings of unexpected outcomes from our expectations.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

No Time for Door Mat Volunteering

Leadership...not a word to take lightly. Leadership trickles doesn't trickle down I'm afraid. Roles that get the wheels turning start out in small organizations and generally filter in throughout the bigger ones. I was reading an excerpt the other day about volunteerism and why there is such a huge drop in volunteering. The following I'm paraphrasing from the book "The New Breed" until after reason number 7. If we were honest about why we don't volunteer this would really be the top seven reasons why and not because "we just don't have the time." 1. The volunteer leader that doesn't know how to lead 2. No feedback from leadership on how the volunteer was doing 3. The feeling that the volunteer doesn't feel like they are making a difference 4. Lack of professionalism 5. Lack of Communication ( in my opinion this should be number one) 6. Too much time in wasted unproductive meetings 7. No flexibility in scheduling in volunteer opportunities. This all being noted I just want to affirm the reasons above coming from someone that has volunteered many hours and days in different organizations and I can say that the most successful ones have leaders that know how to communicate and follow through. When I sit here and look at these reasons I can also fit that into why people would leave their jobs. Replace the word volunteer and fill in employee and there you have it. I'm frankly at a point in my life where I can just not afford to volunteer or work for any organization that has leadership that cannot communicate effectively. My life has to run like clock work these days with the exceptional unexpected quirks along the way that life will throw my way but I have to pick up, tweak it, and move on. So, without effective communication, a plan, and clear expectations.. three strikes and I'm out. I think I'm being generous on the three strikes though but that's just because I like to also give the benefit of the doubt. "The world is hugged by the faithful arms of volunteers" When good volunteers are lost it's like losing two good arms.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Letter from My Brother in Christ

Sometimes I ask myself if I really lean and rely on God during the good times as much as I should. I fall to my knees during the bad times and have nowhere else to go but be totally relying on God during those times. T.D. Jakes said it best.."Faith will get down in the ditch with you, faith will go in the prison with you, fatih will go into divorce court with you, faith will go in the hospital with you, faith will go in the nursing home with you." Yes, but the harder thing to remember for me is that Faith will walk beside me everyday no matter what my circumstance. I take advantage of that. I should be laying things down at the foot of the cross daily before I walk out my door. I need to pray the Lord's Prayer when I have no idea what to pray about or how to. Giving thanks right now for my bus driver in elementary school that taught me the Lord's prayer. Ms. Pearl was her name. The first day I got on her van she handed me a little book. She said to memorize it and everyday before we got off of the little white van at school we all prayed and someone different would say the Lord's Prayer. Not only did she introduce me to the gift of a simple prayer from the Man himself for life she honked that horn til the cows came home to make sure I didn't miss my ride to school in the morning. I'm most reflective today of a letter my dad wrote me. He had never written me a letter before but I was going on a retreat that he had gone on some years before and he wanted me to have as great of an experience as he had on his. The letter I got from my dad was treasured then and it's even more so now. It's the only letter I ever received from him. I won't tell you everything that's in it. He talked about the day I was born and how he'd wear some interesting t-shirts to impress my dates..ex. "Texas, where farting is considered a competetive sport." He was quite entertaining. This one phrase struck me though and it brings me comfort. He wrote the following: "Remember that all things work for the best for those that Love the Lord. No matter how hard things get remember we have that to share, and share eternity together. I love you and I will always love you come rain or come shine. Your loving father and brother in Christ." It just doesn't get any better that that. What else is there to say? A simple phrase that speaks volumes. My brother in Christ. You see, he knew that our relationships on earth were more than just mere blood types. He knew that essentially that's what it came down to...being brothers and sisters in Christ.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Dad Update #3

We are on day 5. There has been no change. My dad remains about the same. There was a little bit of an attempt to wean him off of the ventilator yesterday but it didn't go well. No further testing to indicate where we are has been done at this time. Basically, it has been explained to me that we want to make sure we run the good race with him before we can consider anything else. There really isn't a timeline. We are just waiting for doctors to let us know one way or the other which way to go. According to them, it is still too early to tell.
So, in the meantime I'm camping out in Abilene. I've arranged for my little one to be put in daycare here while my two oldest go back to Katy with Toby. I'm staying at my great aunt's house. This is my new normal for awhile. Marcie, has to deal with going home everyday and not seeing my dad there. She asks herself the question, "Do I hang up his pants in the closet or not?" They've lived together for a little while. Her girls and his little dog, Paco Taco miss him greatly. I have a couple of messages from him on my answering machine that I just can't bring myself to listen to right now although I am really really missing his voice. Jamie is flying in from Alaska and will be here in a few hours.
When you hear the old saying, "Well, you just never know," well, it's true. You never know when it will be you. Noone ever said life would be easy. In fact at times it can be a little complicated. Almost like a labrynth's maze. I think it will be awhile til we get out of this maze.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Dad Update #2

There really hasn't been any change. His breathing became pretty hard tonight on the ventilator because he is very agitated yet under sedation. He was putting out a little too much CO2 at the time. The nurse asked that visitors be limited for the next several days. She says that people talking around his bed or touching him may over stimulate him at this time. It is essential that he rest before another checkup is made on Monday. If anyone comes to the hospital it is ok to sit in the room (2 at a time only) but we must remain quiet for now. This is very difficult as we all know what a talker my dad has been. He has never met a stranger. We are hoping to have him stabilized enough that he can undergo some tests on Monday that will give us some indication where we are with things. Unless there are any significant changes I won't update the blog until Monday evening. My dad has been blessed with some really good friends in this life. We are so thankful for that. We have one life....make it count. It doesn't have to be a grand spectacle...just make the things in your life that at the end of the day you know you absolutely value with your soul and not your purse strings count. Hug your family and even when you're crabby with those you love walk away, turn around and smile even if you don't want to at the time. They'll think you're crazy but you're just being unconditional.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Dad Update

It's hard to remember who I've given updates to and who I haven't about my dad. So, I just want to try to give sort of a daily or as I know any new details updates on a brief blog note as we go along.
Bascically, today we were under the impression that my dad would try to be weaned from the vent. Not necessarily because he is doing better but because they don't want him to become dependent on it. Unfortunately, today he was too weak to try to endure the stress of such a task. His heart is currently only pumping at 15 percent which is basically as low as a heart can go with functionality where he stands right now. He is under sedation and at this time the best course of action is to let his body rest to see if any improvements can be made as he recovers from cardiogenic shock. Basically, a bomb went off in his chest and waiting on the dust to settle to see what can be rehabilitated if any. There's lots of permanent damage after a bomb goes off but, sometimes there are things that can come back to life.
So, we sit and we wait and we go at my dad's pace right now. He has to be given the best chance he can get before any really educated prognosis can be made at this time with all variables to consider.
Thank you all for your love, your support, you prayers, thoughts and even some funny stories I've been hearing about my dad lately. If you know my dad then you know the kind of character he is. He's a fighter, a good man, a God loving man, a grandpa, a dad, a wisecrack, and stubborn (which is a good thing to be right now.) You really don't know how comforting it is to know that people are praying for him and our family. It shows community and the peace we all know about the human spirit that can love one another and is kind to one another.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Attn: Astronomers Complaint Department

I've decided that astronomers must have too much time on their hands. One day I am a Capricorn and the next I open the internet news to find I'm a Saggitarius! It's as if I've lived a lie all my life! Imagine waking up one day just to find out you are not who you thought you were.
Daylight savings time gives me a headache and makes me turn to fiber to re-regulate my life ;) As if that wasn't bad enough. Many people are confused enough on how to fill out their taxes, understand congress, using new techno gadgets ( that I cannot keep up with), how to download stuff on social media, and get through 5:oo traffic. As if life wasn't hectic enough some astronomer somewhere decided, hey, let's confuse the world out even more by changing their signs. Well, that just blows me away. I've had jewelry with my birthstone and have seen people where jewelry with their zodiac signs. I don't think jewlers are up to the task for exchanges and I think tattoo artists are going to have to get creative. I've heard several only affects people from 2009 and forward and that might just be. So, now, anyone with my same birthday born since then will be a Saggitarius? How confused those children will be? I can hear it now, "Mommy, since you're a Capricorn...Why can't I be one too?" Then you look at your kid and say, "Well, again, life's not fair."
So, do me a favor astronomers. In a day and time where everyone is struggling enough with their identities in this galactical place called Earth, the next time you make a discovery that will affect possibly let's say, Orion's belt really being light saber...leave it alone. Walk away from the telescope and leave it alone. In the words of Jeff Foxworthy, "Here's your sign!"