Saturday, January 22, 2011

Dad Update #2

There really hasn't been any change. His breathing became pretty hard tonight on the ventilator because he is very agitated yet under sedation. He was putting out a little too much CO2 at the time. The nurse asked that visitors be limited for the next several days. She says that people talking around his bed or touching him may over stimulate him at this time. It is essential that he rest before another checkup is made on Monday. If anyone comes to the hospital it is ok to sit in the room (2 at a time only) but we must remain quiet for now. This is very difficult as we all know what a talker my dad has been. He has never met a stranger. We are hoping to have him stabilized enough that he can undergo some tests on Monday that will give us some indication where we are with things. Unless there are any significant changes I won't update the blog until Monday evening. My dad has been blessed with some really good friends in this life. We are so thankful for that. We have one life....make it count. It doesn't have to be a grand spectacle...just make the things in your life that at the end of the day you know you absolutely value with your soul and not your purse strings count. Hug your family and even when you're crabby with those you love walk away, turn around and smile even if you don't want to at the time. They'll think you're crazy but you're just being unconditional.

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