Friday, January 14, 2011

Attn: Astronomers Complaint Department

I've decided that astronomers must have too much time on their hands. One day I am a Capricorn and the next I open the internet news to find I'm a Saggitarius! It's as if I've lived a lie all my life! Imagine waking up one day just to find out you are not who you thought you were.
Daylight savings time gives me a headache and makes me turn to fiber to re-regulate my life ;) As if that wasn't bad enough. Many people are confused enough on how to fill out their taxes, understand congress, using new techno gadgets ( that I cannot keep up with), how to download stuff on social media, and get through 5:oo traffic. As if life wasn't hectic enough some astronomer somewhere decided, hey, let's confuse the world out even more by changing their signs. Well, that just blows me away. I've had jewelry with my birthstone and have seen people where jewelry with their zodiac signs. I don't think jewlers are up to the task for exchanges and I think tattoo artists are going to have to get creative. I've heard several only affects people from 2009 and forward and that might just be. So, now, anyone with my same birthday born since then will be a Saggitarius? How confused those children will be? I can hear it now, "Mommy, since you're a Capricorn...Why can't I be one too?" Then you look at your kid and say, "Well, again, life's not fair."
So, do me a favor astronomers. In a day and time where everyone is struggling enough with their identities in this galactical place called Earth, the next time you make a discovery that will affect possibly let's say, Orion's belt really being light saber...leave it alone. Walk away from the telescope and leave it alone. In the words of Jeff Foxworthy, "Here's your sign!"

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