Friday, January 21, 2011

Dad Update

It's hard to remember who I've given updates to and who I haven't about my dad. So, I just want to try to give sort of a daily or as I know any new details updates on a brief blog note as we go along.
Bascically, today we were under the impression that my dad would try to be weaned from the vent. Not necessarily because he is doing better but because they don't want him to become dependent on it. Unfortunately, today he was too weak to try to endure the stress of such a task. His heart is currently only pumping at 15 percent which is basically as low as a heart can go with functionality where he stands right now. He is under sedation and at this time the best course of action is to let his body rest to see if any improvements can be made as he recovers from cardiogenic shock. Basically, a bomb went off in his chest and waiting on the dust to settle to see what can be rehabilitated if any. There's lots of permanent damage after a bomb goes off but, sometimes there are things that can come back to life.
So, we sit and we wait and we go at my dad's pace right now. He has to be given the best chance he can get before any really educated prognosis can be made at this time with all variables to consider.
Thank you all for your love, your support, you prayers, thoughts and even some funny stories I've been hearing about my dad lately. If you know my dad then you know the kind of character he is. He's a fighter, a good man, a God loving man, a grandpa, a dad, a wisecrack, and stubborn (which is a good thing to be right now.) You really don't know how comforting it is to know that people are praying for him and our family. It shows community and the peace we all know about the human spirit that can love one another and is kind to one another.

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