Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Adieu My Good Friend the Camera

My camera died on Christmas morning :( I have since replaced it but I didn't expect the feeling of grief I had over losing this camera. That camera was a gift to me by my sweet husband about 5 years ago. That camera was carried around with me and took pictures I wanted my heart to capture. It turns out it was my friend, my eyes, my heart. Who knew something could have such sentimental value? Looking through that lens I caught the beauty of my daughter's ballet recital, my son's birthdays and cub scout adventures, the birth of my youngest son, and so many many more of life's moments. My life. My story. My journey. I've decided that from here on out my life will not be complete unless I have a handy memory capturer with me. Ode to Mr.Cannon. I replaced him with an upgraded one but, I think I'll tuck the other one away. You had a good run old sport.

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