Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Our Blue Bell Pilgrimage

We did it. We finally made our pilgrimage to Brenham,TX, home of "The best ice cream in the country." Yes, I speak of none other than Blue Bell. I don't know who was more excited the kids or my husband! My husband loves Blue Bell ice cream and come rain, shine, or diet in the making, we are going to be stocked with some Blue Bell in the freezer.
Did you know that Blue Bell is only sold in 19 states?! How can that be? The madness! That's like saying only 19 states have running and clean water in the U.S. Ok..so a bit of an exaggeration. If we had it our way in this family we'd have Blue Bell and a Taco Bueno in every city in the U.S.A.
We enjoyed the tour, ice cream, and visit to the country store. Another highlight was going to the Southern Flyer diner at the municipal airport in Brenham. A quaint place with some personality and the waitresses wear poodle skirts. The small private planes can be seen from the diner and we enjoyed watching them take off. Great service and very affordable.
If you go to Brenham in hopes of finding these places make sure you look them up before you get there as there are no signs directing you to the Blue Bell factory or the Southern Flyer diner. It's worth the trip. Hope anyone that goes has as much quality fun, family, and friend time as we did. Great day!


  1. Great pics! I've eaten at the Southern Flyer Diner, but not done the Bluebell tour yet :)

  2. Thanks Peter. It was a neat place.
