Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Good Rain and a Renoir

I had a little time to myself yesterday and thought I'd do a little something for me. I went to the Art Museum by myself. What I found was that I liked going at my own pace and my brain needed the quiet time. I had never been to the Art Museum of Houston. I have to say that coming from someone that can't even draw a good stick figure I'm easily impressed with art, well most of it...I do still have my "what in the world is that" opinions. I come from an impressive gene pool of artists from both sides of my family and how the art gene belly flopped past will never know. I once wanted to learn how to draw so badly I signed up for an art class in H.S. I was never so frustrated in my life when it came to a few of the homework assignments that I never completed or barely even started. Day 2 of art class and I was out! I withdrew so quickly I don't think the teacher had time to call my name during roll call. It's not a's down right...wish I could...but totally can't...and I'm ok with that. So, as I was strolling painting to painting I admired some of the great details put forth on canvas. see a little house in the background of a painting with a warm light and smoke coming out of the chimney. Then there's cattle so defined on canvas that was a detail not worth blinking or it would be missed. I found myself wondering how there could be so many interpretations of Madonna and Child and wanting to get into the painter's head to know the story. I also wondered why a lot of women in some of the paintings looked so much like men. Landscapes were my favorite along with a few Renoir. Interestingly, my novice approach to art found me shying away from purchasing tickets to Newton when asked by the sales clerk. I asked.."Hmm...what is that?" Sales Clerk..."Nudes." Blushingly, I responded, "Ahem...well there's got to be plenty to see with general admission, right?" So, off I went. I must say that I was quite impressed with the young group of school children that passed by the statues of very anatomically correct poses without even a giggle. Can't say I didn't find myself not wanting to snicker just a little at times. It was a good day all in all. The rain sprinkles throughout the day added some artsy along the way. Art is such an expression of the way we see things that the world cannot fully express. It's like worlds within our world.

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