Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Where's Superman?

This Boston Marathon bombing is such a reminder about the delicacy and strength of our human fabric.  I, like many others, search for answers, for comfort, for unity.  Where do we go and what do we seek when things don't make sense? When evil catches us off guard? When our souls yearn for answers or peace?  I found myself looking up quotes that I might find of comfort. A pretty common and brilliant one posted by many was that of Fred Rogers about looking for the rescuers...those that care during times of tragedy.  I thought about clergy and wondered if they'd have some words of wisdom to make sense of it all.  I sat and listened to our President yesterday yearning for a message of strength and hope. Where's Superman?  Well, look in the mirror and put on your cape people because it's you...it's me...it's everyone with an ounce of integrity.  Love, love, love, and love!! If the greatest commandment is love then do it!!  It is not written that we must love unless....it is written that we must love one another!!  People did that in Boston, after 9/11, after Newtown, after Oklahoma City, after you name it since the beginning of time we have been doing it After.  They didn't walk up to people that were hurt and ask them to pull out their identification about what they believed about politics, religion, race, sex, vegan, meat eater, or lover of cupcakes before they assisted them.    I pledge to stand by anything that stands for love and apply that same screening to help during times of crisis to my everyday life.  I wasn't made for this world for hate...that I don't want to take with me.  I want to love NOW and not just AFTER.  That's my work in progress goal...what's yours? 

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