Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My Random Top 10 Thoughts

Things that have randomly bugged me or been on my mind as of late:

1) Whoever stole 5.5 tons of Nutella in Germany...Genius!!

2)  Ok, there's Thatcher and Funicello...there's always 3 so, still waiting...if it's ever Willie Nelson...don't tell me...I'll lose it.  BTW...Britain and Disney lost some spectacular ladies!

3)  Kim, he's a character isn't he?  I poke fun at him...but really, a man that controls and mind controls a country...should not be underestimated.

4)  Gun control...I'm no expert and I don't like guns but the way I see it...Whoever is holding the gun no matter how it is in control.  I support universal background checks but I'm worried people won't seek treatments for mental illnesses that wouldn't cause them to massacre innocent people because of the stigma of losing a right to protect themselves.  I need more FYI on this matter.  Bills always seem to get passed without really detailing to the public what they mean.  The more you know...

5)  I spoke to a friend of mine today that was at the campus where the exacto knife stabbings took place yesterday.  She said it happened in front of her classroom.  That whole situation is in my thoughts and prayers. How can we prevent these things?  We have mandatory sex-ed classes, anti-bullying classes,  alcohol awareness classes, but do we need mandatory Mental Health awareness classes?  There's no shame in having a mental illness...there is shame in not doing something about it.

6)  I like The Talk way better than The View...someone please cancel The View.

7)  I miss Ann Curry on Today, so glad Dallas is on the air, please get rid of all the bachelor/bachelorette shows, and obviously I watch too much tv if I care about these things.

8)  How lovely it is to step away from the noise every now and then

9)  One day at a time.

10)  Teaching my daughter how to drive...not my strong point.

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