Monday, February 11, 2013

Let's Talk Mammograms Ladies

I had a mammogram today.  No, I'm not 40 yet.  I had some concerns and got this and an ultrasound done under my arm. Thankfully, all was fine.  Before I had this done I was a a bundle of nerves.  I'd never had this done and all I'd heard was horror stories and seen overexaggerated clips of them on t.v. dramas or sitcoms.  I just knew I would be the one who would get stuck in the machine and have my wonderful friends hold a community rally to get me out of it all the while laughing at me also. (Yes, I did joke about that with a friend of mine...also a mammogram novice). What are  girlfriends for other than to make you feel at ease about getting your check ups ;)? 
Let me tell you how it you won't be a chicken turd like me.  I walked into a nice waiting room at a woman's center.  Simple but dainty looking. They had hot coffee, hot tea, water, and graham crackers available.  The staff was friendly.  Their bathroom said, "Powder Room" instead of restroom.  Motivational signs were hanging on the walls in pink.  I was met promptly by the radiology tech.  She had a pleasant smile and she directed me to an area to hang my clothes and drape myself with some gown looking shawl thing.  I looked around the room as she prepared this big scary looking machine before me.  In one corner was a white tree decorated with pretty breast cancer ribbon ornaments and had words like sparkle and shine on it.  On another wall were the words, "Believe" and "Courageous."  Pink ribbons were on the machine and all I could think of was that breast cancer is real.  It was something to believe in miracles for and to be courageous about.  I started to think of ladies I knew that had been diagnosed with breast cancer, all different ages, and how some survived and some didn't.  I had their brave faces with me in my heart today.   "Place your toe on the X on the floor," were the next words I heard.  Nope, didn't sit down for the mammo.  Then the tech guided me into place on the slab of the machine and I thought surely the thing coming down would squish me like a pancake.  Surprisingly, it was not at all that uncomfortable. Awkward, but not painful.  Held my breath for a still xray and on to the next awkward pose.  Before you know it...I was done...and off to the easy sonogram part which is not even worth mentioning that's how easy it was.  Well, other than the tech was kind enough to warm the gel first.
While I waited for the results I laid there and thought about all the women who laid there before me and prayed for them and for those who will be laying there after me.  I don't know what their diagnosis will be or what it was but it made me feel like as the common ground of womanhood it felt natural to me to just say a thought or prayer of peace for them.  So, this all being said, listen to your body, even if you think you are nuts. Mine turned out to be nothing to worry about funky lymph nodes. "Mammograms are really sort of a gift. You can either catch something early or count your lucky stars because nothing was discovered. Either way, you're ahead of the game."- Charlotte Ross. 

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