Monday, November 1, 2010

Night of Tricks and Treats!!

Halloween!! It was a fun night. My 2 year old was a puppy and my 7 year old was Popeye. My teenager finally threw together something at the last minute and declared she would be a gypsy. This year I ordered costumes in advance and asked my daughter to please pick something out because I didn't want to have to deal with madenning crowds closer to Halloween. At the time she didn't want to be anything but the closer we got...of course she changes her mind.
Can I just say that everywhere we looked the teenage girl costumes looked like something that would be picked out of a lingerie magazine catalog. I think my favorite word of the day was,"No." What happened to outfits that went below the knees and didn't require a bustier? For a 13 year old?! Now, that was frightening. Crunch time came and she settled on creating something with old scarves she had...whew! Next year I am buying the crayola and or ketchup costume for her and calling it a day ;) She'll never wear it. We'll just have to be creative.
Our neighbors across the street did an all out Haunted House!! Dead "fake" bodies in morgue bags and body parts strewn across the yard. An awesome half body on a butcher table with his legs squirting blood in the driveway. My 2 year old was pretty scared. The scary clown that gave him candy will probably traumatize him for life but, we'll get through it.
Isaac loved giving out candy more than trick-or-treating! He wondered why some kids didn't recognize him as Popeye right away but just dismissed it as, "Well, I guess kids just don't watch classic cartoons these days." The highlight of my evening was a little trick I guess the neighborhood cat played on me. A week ago I cried my eyes out because I thought our neighborhood orange cat had been run over and killed as all I saw was dead orange kitty in the road. To my surprise, last night as we walked passed the house where he son and I saw the orange kitty walking around. Yay! I exclaimed. Cats really do have 9 lives!! Of course, I haven't seen him since. Hmm....ghost kitty?
Happy Halloween!!

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