Thursday, December 11, 2014

This week in Christmas, Ho Ho to the HO HO HO!

The tree is up...has been for a week and I still haven't put any decorations on it.  I have Santa hats on my dining chairs but my tablecloth still screams Happy Thanksgiving!.  Bronchitis, croup, dental fillings, pharmacy phone tag, and a partridge  in a pear tree called health insurance has made a week off from work quite not what I had thought it was going to be.
I'm planning on taking my daughter to a funeral for a childhood friend.  The whole thing just makes me sad and mad. Parents shouldn't be allowed to go through the worst hell on earth like that.  Oh, I've had lots of talks with God about things like that.  I see a lot of stuff that makes me just go, Ugh...really, God? Really!? I heard a sermon the other day about being cynical in our faith and I have to admit there are times I go there.  I can be cynical. There are days I just throw my hands up in the air and just say, "Ya know, God is God...I am done trying to make sense of the Man!" Isn't that what He told Moses anyway, he said, "I Am Who I Am." Ok, well, that still doesn't answer the question, is what I want to say but guess what..."I Am Who I Am" has to be good enough.
I used to think that when we died we'd know all the answers to everything.  I don't know if that's true anymore. Honestly, there are things I'd rather not know and if God's will is on earth as it is in Heaven then I'm not really sure we are meant to ever know all the answers. If heaven is what it's claimed to be...I don't think we'll care, really.
So, where does this leave me.  Thankful I got a fake poinsettia at Bunco the other night, that's for sure!  With the rate I'm getting the Christmas thing going a real poinsettia would not have stood a chance in this house.  Makes me want to go ahead and fill out the survey for the pizza place for a free Crazy Bread, not stress over not finding Rudolph stamps, stay in my pajamas even if I go to Wal-Mart today, leave Santa milk and tofu instead of cookies because I'm still bitter I never got a pink Barbie car for Christmas (Barbie had to ride on top of the Little People School Bus to pick up her friends for crying out loud!), and I hope that my silverware from last year that was packed in a box during the move will finally pop up in the Christmas decorations box! Oh, and if anyone has hidden my Feliz Navidad singing Chihuaha as they have in years past...well, guess what...I'm not in the mood. We are having a Feliz Navidad with the chihuaha or there's no Christmas at all. Good Day!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Freshly Squeezed

Awhile back I was walking toward my car and caught a glimpse of stacked boxes once filled with oranges.  They were used for the freshly squeezed orange juice they had on their menu.  Freshly squeezed, now there's a blog post, I thought.  I began to think about how day in and day out there are little things that just make me feel that kind of tension. The tension of having to just squeeze out a little bit more of the good stuff out of me when I feel like I'm down to my last drop. It's so much better to handle being squeezed when I'm refreshed!
Everything from not forgetting the lunch money for the kids, washing underwear because everyone's about out, forgetting my dog at the groomers (yes, it's happened) not because I wanted to but because life just gets so busy and chaotic sometimes that I plain just get swept away in the details of something else that I forget to look at my watch.  Thankfully, my dog groomer was forgiving and waited after closing time for me to pick up my beloved fluffy old man of a dog. 
Sometimes I work 8 days straight without a day off, I have to get up in the middle of the night and go to someone's house because their loved one has passed away...then get up and still be at work at eight o'clock the next morning in ironed clothes and combed hair.  Sometimes, I cry along with the families....watching a mother bury her child or a spouse that has lost their best friend for over 50 years and now they are just lost without them, going to a hospital to pick up an infant while others are rejoicing over their blessed births, seeing lives being taken by cancer, Alzheimer's, Lou Gehrig's, special needs, drug overdoses, car accidents, suicides, the list goes on and on...well this can all just weigh a little bit. I love my job...don't get me wrong...I love serving families and friends...but I have found that I can only be my best when I am freshly squeezed. This goes for my personal life as well.  I'm a better mom and wife if I just can get a little break every now and then. 
What does this mean for me? This means...having a sense of humor.  Most of you that know me know that my sense of humor is a little nuts so to's a great escape though.  This means...taking a few days off and just doing a few things for myself in conjunction with the catching up with the things I need to get done in my personal life...hence finally catching up on the laundry and bathing the dog. This means loving on my family and friends.  A great night of bunco always helps or even lunch with a friend!  A great night at the movies with you and your teenage daughter laughing at all the parts that are supposed to be serious helps.  A call from my sisters telling me about their daily adventures, drinking coffee, planning a little getaway, and reading a good book...these are things that always help me.
So, when it comes time to face the challenges of work and life...I feel like I'm able to be freshly squeezed. The people I love and serve are able to get the good stuff down to my last drop. Have you taken some time out of the craziness of your life to re-energize yourself, refresh yourself, and regroup yourself in order to be freshly squeezed?  Don't forget to do so.  I think we're all a little more tolerable and more valuable when we do. That's why freshly squeezed is a little higher than the concentrate. You're worth it.