Wednesday, May 23, 2012

We Are Who We Are

I don't have much patience when it comes to waiting in long store lines.  It doesn't make it any easier when you have a toddler pulling things off the shelves and running around like he drank 2 large energy drinks!  Of course, there are the people that stare at me as if  I can't control my child and I should be ashamed and then there are the ones that giggle on the sidelines as if they read every "Denace the Menace" comic strip and find my distress amusing. I finally felt at one point that I was in control. My child was calm somewhat and I waited my turn. A man in front of me proceeds to turn around and just say, "We are who we are...wouldn't you agree?" "Well, of course." I said.  Not knowing where he was going with this he proceeds to explain to me that I shouldn't worry about my child's behavior. He feels that he is just expressing himself from a past life that he has had. He really believed that my child was a former World War II soldier. He asked me what my thoughts were on past lives. Well, what I really wanted to say was something like, umm...I have no idea in the world what you are talking about and please mind your own business but, I found myself engaging in his conversation by responding, "Hmm...well, yes of course I've seen some documentaries about what you're talking about." What in the world just came out of my mouth I thought! Did I just say what I thought I said?! Yes, I did. He was a friendly eccentric soul. I can't say that our conversation really continued to make much sense to me but hey, I think it was way more interesting than, "How's the weather" small talk.  When he left he walked back toward me and said, "Do me a favor...before he goes to sleep at night ask him who he is...he'll tell you."  "Ok, well you take care now." I replied. So, before he went to bed that night I leaned over and asked my son, "Who are you?" He replied, "I'm Bryant." "No really, who are you?" I asked. "I'm Bryant Dagenhart." He said. Whew...He is who he is!


  1. That is funny! Glad he said Bryant! Would have been strange if he didn't!

  2. Yes, not quite sure how I would have handled it had he said he was someone else ;)
