Wednesday, July 28, 2010

That Pink Bow Feeling

My daughter turns into a teenager today. The big 13!! I still remember the image I have after being woken up at 1am in the hospital room as the nurses wheeled her into me and said, " She may be hungry." "Oh, sure, let me get right to that, I thought." What?! What was this little bed filled with a baby girl wrapped in a little white blanket, head full of hair and a mini pink bow glued with who knows what on top of her little head being brought to me for? I wasn't prepared in the slightest for this moment no matter how many parenting classes I took or books I had read. Somehow, we've muddled through it all though over the years. Thanks to Google ;)

Seriously, the feelings I have now about this whole teenager phase aren't really any different. All I want to do is slap a big pink bow on top of her head, look at her, and say, I still don't know what I'm doing but, I know that I love you with all of my heart, unconditionally, from this life into the next. I know that I'm proud of you. I know that we won't always see things through the same glass but I know that's ok. I know I will be there when the whole world loves you and I will be there when you feel like noone does. I know that you will "try on many faces" until you find one that you feel your best in. Sweet daughter you've moved a little closer to the edge of the nest. Just a smidge. Know that my heart will always be a nest you can come home to no matter where your wings may take you.

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